Hastings High School students excel at Regional Business Competition

On Friday, Jan. 10, eighteen Hastings High School Business Professionals of America (BPA) students put their skills to the test at the Region 1 Leadership Conference at Davenport University in Grand Rapids. They competed in individual and team events ranging from administrative support concepts to web site fundamentals.

Students who placed top six in individual events, and top two in team events are eligible to attend the BPA State Leadership Conference.

Hastings walked away with eight awards from seven students. The students who qualified to attend the state conference are: Christian (fourth place in Entrepreneurship), Cayden (second place in Administrative Support Team), Parker (second place in Business Spelling and second place in Fundamental Word Processing), Carter (fourth place in Computer Security), Racheal (second place in Administrative Support Team and fourth place in Business Law & Ethics), Alan (sixth place in Fundamental Accounting) and Nicklas (first place in Business Law & Ethics).

The State Leadership Conference is taking place March 13-16 at the Amway Grand Plaza Hotel in Grand Rapids. At this conference, students are participating in business-related events and competing for the top spots. Students who place are eligible to attend the National Leadership Convention in Orlando, Florida in May of this year.

Business Professionals of America is a dynamic youth organization which provides leadership and business opportunities for high school students to assist them in making decisions on their future careers. The skills that students learn through participating in a variety of business experiences help prepare them for careers in a world-class workforce

The organization is full of bright, young people wishing to enter a business professional career, helping youth to have a brighter future through encouraging members to excel in tomorrow’s business careers and to function in the community as responsible citizens.

Development of occupational, leadership, teamwork, organizational and communication skills are all tested in the Workplace Assessment Skills Program. The Hastings chapter of BPA has competed since 1986. Bob Carl and Jeff Erb, Hastings High School Career and Technical Education teachers, assisted students in preparing for competition.

Group photo – Back, left to right: Fenix Davis, Owen Boge, Parker Erb, Alan Li, Brennan Reser, Carter Favreau, Jordan Clemens; Middle, left to right: Mr. Jeff Erb, Christian Boniface, Richard Fritz, Dawson Lewis, Nicklas Stehr, Aiden Oliver, Carter Cappon, Mr. Bob Carl; Front, left to right: Vojtech Brtnik, Annabelle Kuck, Rachael Hewitt, Shiloh Crandall & Levi Taylor Krebs.