CTE Program » Agricultural Sciences

Agricultural Sciences

Plant and Animal Science
In this course, students will learn basic skills in proper health care of animals. Apply principles of animal nutrition to ensure the proper growth, development, reproduction and economic production of animals. Select animal facilities and equipment that provide for the safe and efficient production. Examine the components, historical development, global implications and future trends of the animal systems industry. Analyze environmental factors associated with animal production. Classify, evaluate, select and manage animals based on anatomical and physiological characteristics. Prepare and implement animal handling procedures for the safety of animals, producers and consumers of animal products. Describe trends in the animal systems industry. Select animals for specific purposes and maximum performance based on anatomy and physiology. Apply scientific principles in the selection and breeding of animals. Students will learn basic skills in knowledge of plant classification, plant anatomy and plant physiology to the production and management of plants. Prepare and implement a plant management plan that addresses the influence of environmental factors, nutrients and soil on plant growth. Apply knowledge of plant anatomy and the functions of plant structures to activities associated with plant systems. Students will utilize critical thinking to make sense of problems and persevere in solving them.
Agricultural Business, Natural Resources, and Leadership
In this course, students will learn about interrelationships between natural resources and humans necessary to conduct management activities in natural environments. Apply knowledge of natural resource components to the management of natural resource systems. Apply scientific principles of an ecosystem. Describe AFNR businesses and identify global opportunities in agribusiness. Define the types of ownership in an AFNR business. Identify significant markets in global businesses systems. Demonstrate knowledge of principles in marketing within an AFNR business. Evaluate and select animals based on scientific principles of animal production. Provide for the biosecurity of agricultural animals and production facilities. Select animals for specific purposes and maximum performance based on anatomy and physiology. Examine the components, historical development, global implications and future trends of the animal systems industry. Propagate culture and harvest plants. Develop a production plan that applies the fundamentals of plant management. Students will have career opportunities that appeal to personal career goals. Use technology to enhance productivity. Work productively in teams while using cultural/global competence.


Animal Care

Ayam Cemani -

This bird is from Indonesia. Their name means “chicken thoroughly black.” They are considered good luck in Indonesia. They have a dominant gene that causes hyperpigmentation (fibro melanosis). All parts of the bird are black-bones, meat, organs. The eggs, however, are a cream colored.
